
Showing posts from June, 2019

Welcome to my blog!

Hi, I'm Hollie from Newcastle in Australia. This blog has been a long time coming. I started thinking about creating a blog years ago but knew the commitment involved and was really daunted by it, now 5 years on I'm just going to give it my best shot! My initial content was going to be health and fitness but I know there are so many great fitness bloggers out there with way more accredited experience than I so I've opened my mind to incorporate my travel tales, creative recipes and the odd marital and parental post here and there. So yes, as the name suggests, I am quite honestly a humble house wife. Before kids, I was a flight attendant which gave way to great travel opportunities and saw my husband and I on a great run to now 42 countries, however with my husband being Lebanese and very family orientated, the shift work wasn't working for us once we were married. I had a few years in the insurance sector before having two miracles in quick succession and now take